Monday, December 3, 2012

Sierra Jean

Our baby girl is here!!!  She decided she was ready to see the world and came a couple weeks early.  It was fine by me.
Our first meeting.  She had the cord wrapped around her neck so she came out a little blue.
Jared had a cough so he was sporting this lovely mask
the official weigh in
my sweet baby girl
the first meeting
what a happy dad
look at those eyes
again...I love her eyes
Connor's handling his new sister like a champ
the nalgene comparison
look how big my little boy looks


  1. Love her!!! So happy for her safe arrival!

  2. So glad I remembered your blog, and it was just in time! Congratulations, she is beautiful. I love they dark hair and eyes following up the blond blue eyed. Destin loves the Nalgene comparison.
