Sunday, November 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Sierra Jean!

Sierra Jean turned three years old and boy was she excited.  Sierra is full of emotion, whether it be really happy or really sad.  Her birthday, overall, was on the really happy end of the spectrum.  She woke up to a balloon covered floor and that seemed to start the day off just right.

Playdoh = hours of fun
so excited!
it was quite the party!

How to sum up this three year old girl of mine?  Energy. Chatterbox. Sweet.  Naughty.  Climber.  Problem solver.  Silly.  Independent. Opinionated.  Imaginative.  Ethan and I often get cakes or other yummy treats (aka leaf piles) made for us while we wait for Connor at the bus stop.  She is constantly talking or singing about anything and everything.  She wishes so very much that she could read and frequently tries to spell words or read books.  She is quite certain about everything she says and says everything with conviction.  She can be the sweetest little girl when she wants to, full of hugs and kisses, or if she doesn't want to, she won't.  Period.  Her resourcefulness is amazing and a little bit scary.  Let's just say one day I found her swinging from the closet rod that should not have been accessable.   She is a fabulous big sister and just adores Ethan. She is wonderful!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

He's pretty cute

Do all baby boys look like little old men, or is it just mine?

October highlights

The month started off with a tiny little sprinkler repair that required a really big hole.
 Luckily Jared didn't have to fix it himself
 Job well done team.
 Sierra is absolutely loving being a big sister and loves to help with Ethan.  When she asks to hold him so always includes that she'll "even try not to drop him."  As long as we try that all that matters.
 We spent a weekend in Fairview which always has fun adventures.  Connor loves the four wheelers and could hardly contain his excitement.  Sierra fell asleep.
The kids also got to ride a horse for the first time.


We carved our pumpkins

 And had a great Halloween!
 Oh yeah,  I also had a baby.  Let's not forget that.