Monday, June 15, 2015

Connors eye surgery

Connor had surgery number two for strabissmus. His last one was when he was a baby.  It's really hard being a parent and having to decide these things for your child and then hope you made the right decision.

Connor was awesome.  I am so impressed he handled it so well.  We told him a week before the surgery what was going to happen.  We showed him pictures from his last surgery and he asked questions all week long.  We were told over and over he didn't want the surgery. So sad.  I shed a lot of tears the night before.

The morning of the surgery we let Connor sleep until the last possible moment.  We dropped Sierra off at a friends and headed to the surgery center. Connor was so cooperative in everything they asked him to do.  The hardest part was convincing him to put on the hospital socks.  I'll take it.   We had told him his bed would have wheels and he'd get to take a ride on it to the operating room.  His goodbye was an adventure for him and he was excited to get his astronaut mask the nurse told him about.  No tears and no I don't want to gos. Thank goodness.

Jared and I kept with tradition and did a crossword during the surgery.  When the nurse came and told us we could go back with him she warned us that most kids are pretty unsettled waking up.  That there is usually a lot of crying and they are hard to console at that stage.  But of course Connor was Connor. He woke up,  wiggled some,  and then wanted to snuggle.   After a while we forced him to wake up and drink some juice so we could do or snuggling at home.

He's done great since the surgery.  His eyes are really red,  and he has double vision.   His double vision should go in a week or so.  I would think it would be quite bothersome to have double vision but after the first day it hasn't seemed to be an issue for him.   What a kid.

Such a sleepy boy

They had a dog waiting for him on his hospital bed.  He named him rocky

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