Sunday, June 20, 2010

It Begins!

I have finally decided to start a blog. Well, that's not true. I decided a while ago that I was going to do a blog, but am just now getting around to actually doing it. I'm starting this because for some strange reason, I can't quite put my finger on it, people have been much more interested in communicating with Jared and me the past two months. Not only have we received more phone calls, but I've noticed an increase in the number of emails I've gotten, all requesting pictures. So, in the hopes of simplifying things a bit and preventing the inevitable "she got pictures, why didn't I" I am beginning this blog.


  1. awwwwwwww...what else is there to say?

  2. Oh Nat!! I am so excited! Now I will add you to my blog list, so we can stay in touch of course.

  3. That is great that you posted some pictures of Jared as a baby, but I want to see some pictures of Connor.
